Monday, July 29, 2024

New internet speed record

Let’s talk about the latest internet speed records: Aston University’s Achievement: Researchers at Aston University in the UK achieved a remarkable data transfer rate of 301 terabits per second using a single fiber optic cable. They accessed new wavelength bands (E- and S-bands) that were previously unused in existing optical fibers. This breakthrough was made possible by constructing an optical processor to handle the different wavelength bands. Importantly, they didn’t need new fiber optic lines; existing cables were capable of reaching these speeds1. Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT): An international team led by NICT set a new world record for data transmission speed: 402 terabits per second. They used commercially-available optical fiber, demonstrating the potential for faster internet without major infrastructure changes2. Previous Record: In 2020, researchers achieved 178 terabits per second using existing fiber optics, which is still impressive3. Imagine downloading the entire Netflix library in a blink! 🚀🌐🔥
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